Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mission accomplished! Well, almost...

I am proud to announce that I have (almost) finished the Ringwood gloves.  By almost I mean I still have to make a craft store run for buttons for the cuffs, sew on said buttons, and make sure everything buttons together correctly, but eh, who's counting?  Pictures to come, but here I run into a bit of a conundrum.  See, I apparently have freakishly long skinny hands...or something.  Basically I misread the pattern a bit, gave myself an extra 3-row repeat over the metacarpals, and then still essentially needed the extra 3-row repeat over every single finger (not counting the thumbs since I have freakishly short thumbs which is probably why I suck at video games and string instruments/guitar, but are you supposed to count the thumb as a finger anyway?  Discuss.), so while the gloves fit nicely and look rather pretty on my actual hands, they look a bit...weird by themselves.  Which means I just might need someone else to snap the pictures.  Or sprout an extra hand.  Or learn to operate a camera with my mouth.  Or teach Raiden to use a camera (wouldn't put it past her, actually).  I'm sure there's a universe in which these are all equally valid solutions.

Now, where was I?  Oh yes, glove-making.  So I've finally gotten over my fear of knitting 2 of something by making gloves, of all things.  I gather from people who do this sort of thing properly that it's supposed to be socks.  Well, I never could do anything like a normal twenty-first century human (see my flip-top phone and collection of college-ruled notebooks and pencils; er...flip-top phones are cool?).  Anyhoo, in celebration of my new-found ability to make gloves, I think an appropriate next project would be...Amy Pond's red scarf and gloves set?  Yes, yes, I know, boldly going where so many fan-girls have gone before, but we forget a few essential things: 1) I look nothing like Amy Pond, 2) I look good in red despite looking nothing like Amy Pond, and 3) the scarf and gloves would go beautifully with the black blazer I've been meaning to break out one of these days when the weather gets predictably cool.  That and I'm absolutely itching for a crack at fingerless gloves with a covered thumb: they look interesting to make.  Plus I think I've found the perfect lace pattern for the scarf: Wheat in the Wind.  Even sounds appropriate, like something Van Gogh would approve.

In short, I think this means I'm putting the Dalek cross-stitch on hold.  Might have a few takers on the washcloths, as I could see giving them to family members or friends as presents during the holiday season.  The Ren-faire hat might have to wait a bit too.  And, of course, if the mood (or more likely request) strikes, I'll probably be putting them all aside for porcelain-free Jammie Dodgers.  Just say no to porcelain shards.  That concludes today's public service announcement.

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