Monday, September 26, 2011

Behold them! Be-hold them!

 Yes, I did quote the fairy from "The Legend of Neil."  Does this surprise/dismay anyone?  Bonus points if you remember what she was referring to.  This while listening to Mozart's Solemn Vespers on my media player--could be worse, could be the Requiem.  But where was I?  Ah, yes, the gloves: behold them in all their Ringwoody glory.  A pity the purple rosebud buttons didn't come off well on-camera, 'cause they really were something of the crowning glory of the piece.  And, well, see what I meant about the gloves looking sort of weird by themselves?
 So...after I finished the gloves, it only took me approximately no time flat to move on to my next great geekly knitting adventure.  New and exciting discovery at the craft store: affordable awesome yarn.  I've always kind of gone for Caron Simply Soft as a fallback worsted-weight for various projects, but the other day I discovered its dainty and refined-looking little sister, Simply Soft Light.  Running at about sock-weight, worked up on number 5 needles it makes this surprisingly luxurious pettably soft light fall scarf.  In other words, perfect for the Amy scarf/gloves set.
This is what I've got so far.  Yeah, long way to go, etc., but give the girl a little credit.  First of all this is 63 stitches wide.  Second, the pattern calls for repeats of knit ELEVEN purl 1 (big prime numbers in knitting are torture, I tell you, torture!  Can't count that high!).  Actually, I don't know if the 11 is a glorious coincidence or not considering the project.  Wait, where was I?  Third, I worked on the scarf to kill time before the They Might Be Giants/Jonathan Coulton concert at the Pageant on Saturday (Geek-tastic!  Squee!) and only irrevocably dropped 1 stitch (bet you can't tell where, neiner-niener).  Fourth, I did a few rows AFTER that unfortunate stitch-dropping incident while slightly intoxicated in order to get through a monumentally depressing "Doctor Who" marathon (i.e. current season episodes 10-12) and STILL did not screw up said rows.  Honestly, it was devastating: I had to shore up such fragments against my ruins as my beautiful scarf, the Doctor's shirt changes (costume nerd, remember?), and "OMG, is he actually kinda hot minus the coat?"  T. S. Eliot, if you're wondering about the shoring up fragments quote.  The actually in quotes quote is of course my own and nothing near as abstruse or interesting.  So, given a slew of distractions, dim lighting, and varying quantities of alcohol, this is actually, um, quite the accomplishment.  And now I should probably get back to it, you know, so it'll stand a chance of actually getting finished sometime this year.  Would that be counting the gloves or not?  Mozart + sobriety + lack of other distractions = success?  Tell you on the flip side.

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