Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Loose threads, part 2: at laaaaaaast!

After what might only be 2 months of very interrupted knitting and feels more like 2 years, I hereby present my finished lovelies:

 Oh, and please ignore the bathroom accoutrements.  Happened to be the best mirror and lighting to get the effects and picture quality I wanted.
 Also, ignore the cat-tail.  :)  What was the purpose of this exercise, you ask?  Why, to show off the "exquisite" detailing on the Amy scarf and gloves.  The fringe is fairly self-explanatory, of course: just pull through individual pieces of yarn and knot.  Unfortunately my few existing crochet hooks are enormous, so I made do with a tapestry needle.  Note to self: in future, make fringe shorter--like, half a foot instead of a full foot, maybe.
 Lessons learned on gloves:
1.  To do the Wheat in the Wind lace pattern in the round, use a multiple of 12 stitches rather than (multiple of 12) + 3.
2.  For all even/previously WS purl rows in the lace pattern, knit all stitches instead.  Yay!
3.  To create a cuff of some sort, try a textured stitch such as a rib or a seed stitch (1x1 seed stitch shown here).
4.  I suggest stockinette for the fingers just to avoid driving yourself crazy.  Just sayin'.
And, of course, what you're oh-so-anxiously waiting for, the Reverse Wheat in the Wind lace stitch (worked over a multiple of 12 stitches in the round):
For all even rows, knit entire round.
Rows 1+3: *p1, k11, rpt from * to end of round.
Row 5: *p1, k4, k2tog, k1, sl1 k1 psso, yo, k1, yo, k1, rpt from * to end of round.
Row 7: *p1, k3, k2tog, k1, sl1 k1 psso, yo, k1, yo, k2, rpt from * to end of round.
Row 9: *p1, k2, k2tog, k1, sl1 k1 psso, yo, k1, yo, k3, rpt from * to end of round.
Row 11: *p1, k1, k2tog, k1, sl1 k1 psso, yo, k1, yo, k4, rpt from * to end of round.

Actually, I hope that made some semblance of sense.  Clear as mud?  Great!  Oh, also, for the thumb gussets I made increases at the initial purl stitch on my 2nd of 3 pattern repeats.  Essentially, by the end of the pattern block I ended up with a purl stitch at the beginning of 1 repeat and the end of the previous, with 12 knit stitches in the middle that became the thumb (or was it 11 plus one of the purl stitches?).  And, yeah, that really makes about as much sense as a Mensa quiz.  All I can say is, don't take my word for it, try it for yourself/ves!  Horrible "Reading Rainbow" paraphrase is horrible.

More loose threads to come!  Take that how you will.

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