Though, at the moment, a fairy godmother (in training) in need of new reserves of inspiration. Or was it motivation? Would help if my ears would stop hurting. Long story to do with breaking old glasses a couple months ago and having to wear my dress glasses all the time until I get vision insurance. Yes, my eyesight is that bad. And because I also happen to have ears to make the LOTR Elves proud but almost no nasal bones to match (the non-structural, non-functional, non-aesthetic nature of my olfactory organ is a wonder to behold), anything heavier than a feather threatens to slice said ears clean off. I actually might have reactive lymphadenopathy from the welts. But where was I?

Right. Yesterday during Ragnarok festivities, aka souffle-making and devouring, I promised finished baby sweater. And despite odd stitch count and a little compensatory mathematics, I think it could maybe fit an actual baby. Unfortunately, the "matching" hat is still under wraps for the moment. Check back in about 3-4 months and it should be up, one way or another.
The buttons are in the shape of little 4-petal flowers. Found them at Knit 'n Purl, and I'd like to say it was love at first sight, but quite frankly it took me an unconscionably long time to locate them (blame the ears again). They were sewn on last night with
much cursing and pricking of fingers and a brain on autopilot while
attempting to focus on Shakespearean language and the intricacies of
frenetic filmmaking, otherwise known as the Baz Luhrman "Romeo+Juliet."
Some people craft to B-movies. I go for Shakespeare. Would you prefer
Oh, and one more thing. Because I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two from my favorite sci-fi and fantasy showrunners. Have a look at this, why don't you? Why (oh, why)? Well, um, spoilers.
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