Wednesday, January 29, 2014


There will come a day when I'm an old woman telling wild stories of my youth to other people's grandkids, and I'll look back to find my best yarns begin with "So I was knitting..." or "So I was drinking..." or "So I was drinking and knitting..."

Okay, maybe that didn't come out right.  Besides, my beverage of choice, especially since it's a call night, is tea.  And you know what else didn't come out right?  There seems to be an awful lot of leftover yarn from my Focus Pocus socks.  You see what I mean with the difference between the hand-balled hank and the machine-wound one, though, just to point out something useful.  Hint: hand-balled one is on the left.

I suspect these could make a pair of short mitts or wristwarmers.  In my head I'm already adapting the original sock pattern into something compatible with thumb gussets.  Diagonals for the wrist part and the twist over the index finger.  This could be brilliant...or possibly just lay some eggs.  We shall see when I get down to the knitty gritty.  Oof, that was punny even for me.  Especially considering I'm currently doing none of the aforementioned 3 things.

What a tale for other people's grandkids, eh?

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