I admit, it's been a busy year. Heh, when is it not a busy year? But worse than the busy is the slump that inevitably follows holiday season. Between being a whole year older and fish and visitors (even/especially family) starting to smell after three days, I find it almost impossible not to retreat into hermit mode whenever possible. So, in the aftermath of this holiday season, I...completed my first knit-along?

Actually, I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about it. First rule of Fight Club? Something like that, I suppose. What's amusing is that
I chose a sock project. I'm supposed to hate socks, or at least strongly dislike them. Though "chose" might not be the appropriate term. More like got goaded into it by the promise of bamboo-silk yarn and the possibility of winning a pair of lace circulars. So without further ado, for those of you participating in the Focus Pocus KAL this January, this was my contribution.

That and I needed something to keep my hands and brain busy while planning other projects that are...more secret? Also two-at-a-time knitting eliminated my second sock syndrome excuse. Plus I needed something portable for interview trips. Oh, and a hank of sock yarn isn't as annoying to untangle while hand-balling than, say, a very large blob of laceweight. I meant to hand-ball that hank. Now I can tell sock 1 and sock 2 apart. Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that...
By the way, trouble with portable yarn is portable pictures on my not-so-smartphone, so throw me a frickin' bone here. If you hallucinate a little, you might see the diamond patterning formed by the twisted k3p3 ribbing. If you hallucinate even more, you might notice the 3-stitch twist (not to be confused with cable, evidently) running down the insteps. On the other hand, if I were you I probably wouldn't want to see my legs in better resolution than that....
And for the record, anybody from Knit 'n Purl who might get a glimpse of these, am I entered in the needle drawing yet???
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