Thursday, February 23, 2012

more wedding plans and a letter

I went to my first wedding when I was, what, 7?  8?  Some age where if you're not the flower girl or ringbearer or something importantly cute like that, you pretty much just stand around and try to avoid scoldings for looking too bored.  Maybe that was a sign, because I went 20 full years with not a wedding to come by, only to culminate in...2 in the same summer?  Friend of the bride in June, bridesmaid in August, and lots of fun presents to plot in the meantime.

Alas, I can't tell you what the presents are going to be.  Spoiling surprises is not something I ever do...knowingly.  All I'm gonna say is since they're my former med school classmates, there's gonna be too much science/fantasy nerd to be contained in words.

I can mention the dress I'm making for wedding number 2.  Technically, I have a dress, or will have, since the bridesmaids are all getting custom-made saris.  But C--- told us to bring reception dresses for when the saris fall off or get too restrictive, so again, mental catalog of my closet, shudder, to the fabric store.  This time experimenting with a light satin with chiffon overlay.  Oh, nothing floofy (blech!).  I was thinking spaghetti strap and almost camisole-ish top.  For reference, see Kiera Knightley's dark green evening dress in the movie "Atonement," but think shorter and swirlier on the bottom, maybe knee length.  Also, considering what was going on in the fabric sales, think hot pink.  Yeah, I'm a little apprehensive too.  It might declare war with my hair, now that I think about it.  Or it could be really pretty.  I haven't drafted my own pattern from scratch since "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," so I'm actually kind of pumped.

I mentioned a letter.  That...may be the product of a very long subway commute.  See, my sister used to be a lawyer with an interest in copyright.  She's also only slightly less of a die-hard "Doctor Who" fan than I am.  We're both surly Americans who want to be able to stream our favorite shows from across the pond, thanks much.  So here's what we came up with.

Dear BBC,

Had a really good idea to help with the budget issues.  A number of us across the pond really love your shows (ahem, "Doctor Who") and really dislike having to wait to either stream/download episodes illegally or buy the adulterated BBC America versions when they come out on DVD.  Unfortunately at the moment there does not seem to exist a mechanism to stream your shows legally from the internet.  I have no objection to paying $1 per episode to watch legally the day after air time.  I will probably still watch episodes repeatedly even if I have to pay.  High quality a plus.  Think of it as an economic investment.  Please and thank you.

Yours, etc.

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