Saturday, December 31, 2011


I'm referring, of course, to one of the first things I noticed through the torrential rains Tuesday as the cab lurched its way through Brooklyn.  Detour sign right in the middle of Washington Avenue.  Well, this post is sort of like that...ish.  No knitting/sewing projects were harmed in the making of this post due to an unexpected detour, i.e. I packed project yarn and the only needles thick enough to do it justice, neglecting to realize you can't make a pair of wristwarmers on long circulars.  I knew there was a reason for preferring my eccentric double-points.  Eh, live and learn, and then give away Dalek washcloths as houseburning presents to quirky siblings.

But other than not having a knitting project, this trip has been just peachy.  Shall I mention singing the Muppets theme on the subway?  Designing wedding dresses?  (Well, honestly, the likelihood of me ever getting married is up there with Hell freezing over and pigs growing wings, but it is a complex project not unlike costuming and therefore something of a mental/artistic exercise.  My sister pines after a slightly Regency-inspired empire-waisted number with straps and a sweetheart neckline and enough give in the skirt to make it good for dancing without messing up the silhouette, and I'm curious about the suitableness of a large triangular panel in the back.  My hypothetical dress skews more Renaissance with a front-laced bodice and flowing skirt with attachable train, but I stopped short of bell or Tudor sleeves 'cause I'm not that costumey.  But anyhoo.)  Or perhaps I should bubble on about finally being able to hit the loo at the Way Station (trust my sister to all unknowingly find an apartment a block away from the Doctor Who themed bar).  Um...yeah, I know, hardly appropriate conversation, but you know how the outside is the TARDIS?  It really is bigger on the inside.  Seriously.  Actually, my train of thought went more like this: this sonic screwdriver's going straight to my bladder, or maybe my head, is that writing on the door, it really is bigger on the inside signed scribble scribble the doctor, oh my turn, holy @#^! it really is bigger on the inside, is that a framed autograph over the toilet, seriously matt happily is spelled with one l not two, is it just me or has it been a surreal couple of minutes.  I never said my trains of thought were amusing, or stylistically correct (capitalization?  we don't need no stinkin' capitalization!), so look away if you're offended.

Also, as of Monday I will be back in St. Louis to re-addres (redress?) the issue of wristwarmers, on proper needles this time, which will put me (finally!) back on track.  Detour?  Derailment?  We'll see in a few days/weeks/months/years/lifetimes.  Meanwhile, "Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky," etc., and let's all get back to ringing in the new year...or something.

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