A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (or just about), a none-too-web-savvy med student decided to start a blog and couldn't figure out what to do with it. Four years and a few projects later, this is the 2nd incarnation of bloggy goodness, and I've finally decided to focus on the cool stuff, i.e. sewing and knitting with a bit of a science (read sci-fi/fantasy) nerd twist. Well, mostly. Any whining about life in the medical profession will be strictly incidental and preferably stricken from the pages to follow. In the meantime, I leave this sort-of-test post with a picture or three of my latest project-in-progress, from which I may or may not have drawn the inspiration for my blog title (about 5% of the US web-surfing population just groaned, and if you're reading this in the UK, why???). More to come! Question is, is that a threat or a promise?
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