Saturday, September 6, 2014


There haven't been many.  By which I mean life has been going by quite in its normal haphazard fashion and I haven't had the time or the brain cells to blog about it.  But one thing I've added to my bucket list since moving up here: make it to New York Choral Society auditions.  One of these days.  I scheduled a time and everything, and what was I doing on Wednesday evening?  Um...looking at microscope slides.  'Cause I'm cool like that.  To be fair, there are probably other developments in my life besides the not-exactly-9-to-5 work schedule of a resident in any field whatsoever in New York City, but we don't talk about that.  Do we?

Meanwhile I'm taking a break from CLEANING ALL OF THE THINGS!!!  By which I mean, of course, scrubbing the bathroom.  The air outside today has all the charm of a wet gym sock, so frankly the ring in the bathtub had more appeal.  And while I was attacking said ring with a generous amount of bleach spray and elbow grease, it occurred to me I haven't shown off any of my knitting "conquests" since Smaller on the Outside.

So, anyhoo, Foreign Correspondent scarf is done.  No longer in a fingering weight, it looks a bit more geek than chic, which is exactly how I like it.  I'm quite looking forward to wearing it with tees and Chucks this fall.  If it ever gets to be fall and not sweaty gym sock.
Yep.  EXTERMINATE.  Still life with Dalek.  Awesome.
 As for this little number pictured to the right, this was from my English Lit geek rearing its ugly head during baby things knitting.  Because now that my friends are having babies, there must necessarily be baby things knitting.  I gawked at the surprisingly quick Girl's Pinafore on Ravelry (free pattern, by the way, don't everybody jump on it at once now...), knit it up during a particularly procrastinatory weekend, and came up with a matching bonnet with the leftover yarn.  I now have 2 fewer skeins of Lionbrand Jiffy.  When I've depleted 2 more, it will be time to purchase more yarn of better quality.  Ha, who am I kidding?
In any case, bonnet pattern, rechristened "Bennet" (named after, oddly enough, Lydia Bennet from Pride and Prejudice because of a dialogue/monologue nobody but me is likely to remember), is also up on Ravelry for hours of "entertainment."  By which I mean creative swearing.  Not to worry, I indulge in plenty of it while knitting: keeps the brain cells working during lace sections.

When shall we meet again, you ask?  Or probably don't, really.  Oh, I don't know.  There's bound to be another CLEAN ALL OF THE THINGS and then procrastinate on real work weekend coming up between now and vacation...right?

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