For instance, finally seeing the pattern taking shape in Path of Flowers stole now that I'm approximately close to halfway through...maybe? Wishful thinking? The yarn ball feels smaller? That's what she said?
Also, Raiden has come round to Sandpiper scarf. It does look gorgeous in person, though, and is pettably soft in that impossibly light gossamer made-of-nothingness way baby alpaca laceweight has. If it weren't for the blueness, this might be confused for a spiderweb. Raiden likes spiderwebs. And spiders. They're her favorite snack. Crawly is the new tasty?
I really couldn't resist the headbanging pic.
Or the close-up, where if you hallucinate a little you might actually make out the sandpiper tracks.
Of course, all that laceweight took time away from KAL shawl, which is progressing more or less according to pattern. In fact, I may have been taking out my tension on this particular project because I have a little more yarn left over than predicted. We'll see if that keeps up. Better tension in my yarn than tension in my back muscles?
An up-close at the "lacy wasp" section, where the holes were made up of double yarnovers, a traditionally Estonian lace type technique that I've usually done in finer-gauge yarn. It's weird actually being able to see the texture of one's stitches. I feel like I'm knitting a road map. Totally see myself traveling/lounging in this baby when it's done. Because as I pointed out at Knit 'n Purl while the boys were lamenting the lack of occasion for a shawl, I'll wear one whenever and wherever dammit. Shawls are cool. Gotta be at least fez territory.
There. Picture penance. We'll work on designing again when I have needles and brain cells free.
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