Monday, March 10, 2014

More sneak peaks [explicit]

"I'm knitting a Dalek."
"Does there have to be a reason?"

Actually, there probably is, and the best explanation is this: no matter how beautiful or intricate or lace-shawly a pattern gets, at some point I reach my fill of "normal."  This, then, is the end result.

Relax, it won't creep up (roll up?) and exterminate you when you're least expecting it, though the baby wearing it just possibly might.  The pattern is my own, which is why it's been under wraps up until now, and it's going to need a lot of edits before it sees the light of day.  Also, I don't do a lot of colorwork, so when a more experienced color-knitter gets a hold of said pattern, s/he might have a good laugh and scrap it.  Floats are the devil.  Or at least the devil's plaything.  I could've hanged myself in floats...not that anyone would want to do that.

As of now, the hat is complete and the shoulders seamed.  The front closure will be snaps, most likely, assuming I can get snaps fitted into the floats.  You may note the lack of sleeves.  That's 'cause I agonized over them for the ??? weeks this baby was on the needles.  More bobbles?  Plunger and beater?  In yet another 2 different colors?  Finally settled on fuck you garter stitch.  Because I am lazy.  The sleeves as they currently stand are lovingly ripped off from the Haiku cardigan pattern on Knitty, because mathematical guidelines rock.

Now, the hat I'm actually a bit more comfortable about with regards to sizing. Lacking in actual babies to subject it to, I rather unceremoniously stretched it over an approximation-sized stuffed animal.  Bunny is my baby surrogate and actually made a convincingly scary Dalek.  Well, bit of a Dalek.  We all know the cardigan's going on her for the full effect once it's done.  I'd have used Raiden, but...that could only end in tears.  In every sense of the word.

So here we have it: the almost finished, not at all blocked product of my winter hols.  Which were not winter hols at all, if you know anything about me and my work/call schedule of doom.  The sleeves will be coming along shortly, though rather tediously, and then we shall see what we shall see.  My prediction is that this confection will fit an average sized baby somewhere under a year old.  Which might be a good thing: any older and the kid might, you know, actually kill you for stuffing it into such preposterous(ly cool) outerwear.  Hell, it's never too early for cosplay.

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