Sunday, November 11, 2012


Oh dear, has it really been almost 3 months?  I can explain.  Actually, maybe not, but this is a recap of the past 3 months, crafting projects and otherwise.

September: 1st day at new job, first call night, first call weekend--lawsamercy, is that really what life in the real world is like?  And to top it all off, mortgage applications, etc., for buying a house.  I really hate being a grown-up.  Highlight of the month: coming up with lace shawl projects for the Carolina Master Chorale gala auction.  Trusty provided 2 excellent candidates in the form of Laminaria and Omelette.  While looking for yarn for said shawls, I discovered Knit 'n Purl, the local awesome yarn store of awesomeness.  Yes, people do drive over from as far away as Florence (about 2 hours away).  No, that's not uncalled for.

October: More 10-hour workdays, more call.  Choir concert (whoo, Mendelssohn's "Elijah" makes Mozart's Requiem seem like a cake walk) on the 28th.  Started Laminaria on extra-long dpns and lost a dozen stitches off the back (taped) end halfway through the blossom chart (insert creative cursing here).  Started back over on circulars.  Closed on house and had to move stash and everything else the day after the concert.  Misplaced camera batteries in the process, but finished Laminaria...1 week after the auction (see below).  Also, costumey fun with the girls at the Longs office.  I recycled green ren-faire gown, obtained a tiara, and used leftover gown fabric to make ogre ears: "instant" Princess Fiona costume.  And the NMB Walmart is just a little ghetto sometimes: 1/2 slightly used roll of larger-gauge jewelry wire?  If you don't want to maintain a crafts section, please just be honest about it and don't put one up.  Anyhoo.

November: Substitute auction item: Claudette scarf and gloves, which I'd worn there simply because it's gotten a little chilly on the Carolina coastline.  Also got propositioned for a pair of men's fingerless gloves the same day I was persuaded to auction the clothes off my back (so to speak, and so to speak).  Incidentally, if you're the person I spoke to at the North Myrtle Beach Starbucks, I have yarn picked out, so get in touch if you still want those gloves.  I'm charging $15 because the yarn cost $8.50 and I have to work on it during overtime hours (i.e. over and above my 50-60 hour work week).  Also, 1-1/2 weeks without internet?  Wha?  HTC, if I had to put up with that back in St. Louis, I'd be demanding a refund on my installation fee.  Just sayin'.  But I have to say the highlight of the month so far has been geeking out about Victorian/Edwardian costumes with the proprietor of the As They Sew In France booth at the Dickens Christmas market.  New challenge: procure recommended pattern book and make dress to wear to next year's marketplace.  Challenge so accepted.  Now I just need to sneak in some quality time with the sewing machine....

Yeah, I, uh, haven't been idle.

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