This is unfortunately a very short and disjointed post. Bear with me. There was simply too much cool stuff going on and not enough time/motivation to blog it all.

That day I'll finish this hat. Attempt #1 was simply way too big and was going to run me out of yarn, so I had to frog it. But without further ado, and only a whole month late, this was how I spent my St. Patrick's Day weekend.
Take UV light source (like, say, the sun, or a light box if you happen to be in someone else's lab at the moment).
Shine onto glow-in-dark yarn.
Bring project into dark room (like, say, a microscope room), and watch it morph into a deep sea anemone.
Actually, I'm not sure deep sea anemones are this badass.

Follow up this performance by making Guinness chocolate cake with whiskey-infused cream cheese frosting. Variations of the recipe can be found all over the intarwebs, apparently, but I personally like putting booze in baked goods in such a way that it doesn't all cook off. I think this was supposed to be a foam top-like frosting, but I had so much fun frosting the cake that I covered the whole thing instead (in other words, I love baking but hate decorating and wish someone would make my cakes pretty for me, but alas mad scientist boyfriend doesn't seem all that interested in the decorating part either...).
Also I'm making it my life's goal to convert people to the gospel of the Meyer lemon. But that's a story for another day. Maybe in less than a few months' time, even.