This post was supposed to be a showcase of my finished knitting projects, such as that shawl I still haven't blocked yet and the DNA beanie that literally just came off the needles. But...I'm wearing a towel turban and can't be bothered. Instead, this is the story of a bag of limes.

In any case, it's no wonder that on a particularly frosty Friday night on an impulse shopping trip to Trader Joe's with friends I happened upon a bag of limes with my name written on it. Cute tiny little limes. Green and juicy looking. Bought the bag, took it home ("Reading Time with Pickle" by Regina Spektor--one of the formative songs of my medical school days, check it out if you dare).

With five limes quickly reaching their prime in the fridge, eureka! Key lime ice cream, of course!

No-Churn Key Lime Ice Cream (adapted from Whiskey Ice Cream recipe from Sorted Food):
200 ml heavy cream

1 tsp vanilla extract
50 ml lime juice (juice of approximately 5 small limes)
1 tbsp lime zest (from about 2 limes)
30 gm graham cracker crumbs (2 cracker sheets, crushed)

2. Whisk in sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, lime juice, and lime zest until completely blended.
3. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and gently fold in graham cracker crumbs.
4. Freeze for at least 2-4 hours, stirring approximately every half hour for the first 2 until the ice cream just about sets.
5. Serve with a graham cracker or ice cream/beverage pairing of your choice.

OK, so I know it's not knitting projects, craftivist or not. But sometimes life gives you lemons and you hurl a few right back at it with some choice words. And other times life gives you limes and you make ice cream. That and I'm nursing a few poems until they inevitably get rejected by various lit mags. I could use the comfort food therapy.